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Open Enrollment for FP  

Sunday, February 2 | 2-4pm

followed by refreshments


On February 2 we will start studying a new section of Joyful Path of Good Fortune by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. We are starting at the chapter on “Preparing For Meditation.”  Everyone is welcome to sit in our free Foundation Program open house class.


About the Program


The Foundation Program (FP) is designed for students who have gained a basic understanding of Kadampa Buddhist practice and are interested in pursuing a formalized and committed study program. Through regular teachings and meditation, systematic study, and group discussion, the Foundation Program offers the same training followed by spiritual practitioners in an unbroken lineage dating back to Buddha Shakyamuni. In this way we can gain authentic experience of the Dharma while still maintaining our contemporary lifestyle. By studying on this program we shall gain great confidence in meditation – from basic techniques for overcoming our everyday problems to practices leading to unsurpassed happiness and permanent inner peace. Warm friendships develop as students inspire each other, sharing insights and experiences of the spiritual path. Students make the commitment to attend each week (Sunday 2-4pm), study in advance, try to memorize essential parts of the text, and to take an exam at the conclusion of each section of the text. 


About the Text- Joyful Path of Good Fortune

A clear and comprehensive explanation of the entire path to enlightenment. We all have the potential for self-transformation, and a limitless capacity for the growth of good qualities, but to fulfill this potential we need to know what to do along every stage of our spiritual journey. With this book, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso offers us step-by-step guidance on the meditation practices that will lead us to lasting inner peace and happiness. With extraordinary clarity, he presents all Buddha’s teachings in the order in which they are to be practiced, enriching his explanation with stories and illuminating analogies. This is a perfect guidebook to the Buddhist path.


Any questions please email

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About the teacher

Gen Wangpo is an American Buddhist monk and is the resident teacher in Phoenix, Arizona. He has been a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 20 years and has taught Kadampa Buddhism for decades at several Kadampa centers.


Gen Wangpo is well known for his practical and skilled way of presenting ancient Buddhist wisdom. He is particularly talented in analyzing subjects deeply, from many angles combining this with compassion. He uses stories and analogies to highlight how accessible Buddha’s teachings are to everyone.  Using these techniques, he is offers Buddhist advice that is effective and heartfelt. His combined decades of  Buddhist learning and teaching enables him to provide powerful spiritual guidance that can benefit us all.

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